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A dead-simple layer on top of PDO to make PDO setup and querying simpler


composer require simpl/sql

This component makes it easy to make and execute SQL statements with PDO.

You can run parameterized queries in a single step instead of doing separate prepare and execute statements.

This will automatically convert your query to a prepared statement with parameterized queries to prevent nasty SQL injection attacks.


Connecting to the database.

$db = new \Simpl\SQL('localhost', 'your-db-name', 'your-username', 'your-password');

Running a SELECT query with parameters.

$res = $db->query('select * from test where foo = ? or bar = ?', [$foo, $bar]);

Since this is just a wrapper around PDO, you’ll get back a \PDOStatement object you can then operate on as you normally would.

Running a DELETE statement.

$count = $db->exec('delete from test where id = ?', $id);

Running an UPDATE statement.

$count = $db->exec('update test set foo = ? where id = ?', [$foo, $id]);

For both UPDATES and DELETES, exec() will return the number of affected rows.

Running an INSERT statement.

$id = $db->insert('insert into test (foo, bar) values (?,?)', [$foo, $bar]);

For INSERT statements, insert() will return the last inserted id.