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Simple configuration provider based on PHP dotenv

Combines the simplicity of .env files with the flexibility of defining arrays of config values.


composer require simpl/config


For the default installation, the following directory structure is assumed. The *.php filenames in this example are contrived. They can be anything you’d like.


Basic Usage

Define your per-environment configuration in .env files in the root of your project.


Environment File Example


Load your configuration file.

use Simpl\Config;
$config = new Config;

$debug = $config->get('DEBUG');
var_dump($debug); // bool(true)

If you want more flexibility, you can use .php files that return arrays of configuration values. Any .php files in the config directory will be automatically parsed and loaded into the config object.

# config/app.php

return [
	'name' => env('APP_NAME', 'Simpl PHP Example'),
	'debug' => env('DEBUG', false),
	'environment' => env('APP_ENV', 'local'),

Note: The above example makes use of the env() helper function to get a value loaded from your .env file.

Then you can access your config values using dot notation. The first segment of the notation will be the name of the file where it was defined. Example, if you defined the key environment in config/app.php, you would access it’s value in the config as app.environment.

$environment = $config->get('app.environment');
var_dump($environment); // string(5) "local"